Monday 15 December, 2008

Poll: Top books of 2008

Brrisngiriesr, the third instalment in the Plagiarism Cycle by Christopher Paolini, has topped the OWD readers list of books published in 2008. The book, the title of which means 'fire' in the fictional language of Alagaƫsia, starts off from where the second ends, with the little boy slaying the dragon and earning a pendant. Regarding the result, Paolini had this to say: "Glaedrua cedgher mrdgaleona!"

How To Write Your Own Will, a self-help book by Vladimir Goofhausen that has been a rage with octagenarians and cancer patients, was second. Coming third was The 3 Mistakes of My Life, by Chetan Bhagat. It is a complex reflexive narrative of three books the author has written in his life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha!